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Tag Archives: loss

How do you lose weight from over 300 lbs or more?

See that pic over there? That’s me. June 11, 2010. 340 lbs.   I was pretty heavy. I’ve lost weight, I’ve put it back on. I’ve learned about nutrition, form,... Continue Reading

The Ultimate Reset – Halfway Report

It’s 8:00 a.m. on a Saturday. I’ve already showered, brushed my teeth, had my supplements (waiting the half hour to be able to eat breakfast), and started a load of... Continue Reading

About Face: Changing My Mindset – a guest post by Lisa Hayes

“You need to stop now.”  I’ve had several people tell me that … and I do appreciate that they think I’ve made such great progress.  It IS flattering.  But it... Continue Reading

Three Day Shakeology Cleanse Results

I posted the “recipe” or “menu” the other day for the three day Shakeology cleanse. Today was my final weigh-in for my three day cleanse. I woke up this morning... Continue Reading

What’s your ‘Why?’

I’ve had to do some real soul searching lately – looking in the mirror and facing some things that have been holding me back. Nutrition, physical ability, and excuses all... Continue Reading

Acid vs. Alkaline – Know your pH balance

I’ve used Beachbody programs to lose 50 lbs. That’s my firm net weight loss. I don’t know that I could count the total weight loss (if I were to throw... Continue Reading


I had intended to blog fairly frequently while being on the road for the past 2½ months. Unfortunately, I only posted one new blog and a few videos here and... Continue Reading

Food as Fuel

I’ve had a few different instances where this has come up recently, so I decided to blog about it. Any of Beachbody’s workout programs include a nutrition guide. These guides... Continue Reading

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